“Die Spitzen-Elf” – Young Romanian Poetry
8 February 2021

Nadja Grössing discusses with Daria Schnut-Hainz, the translator of the bilingual anthology “Die Spitzen-Elf/Primul unsprezece”, edited by Bogdan Coşa and published by danube books, about young Romanian poetry:
With poems by: Ionuț Chiva, Andrei Doboș, Andrei Dósa, Gabi Eftimie, Vasile Leac, Vlad Moldovan, Cosmina Moroşan, Ruxana Novac, Dan Sociu, Alex Văsieş, and Elena Vlădăreanu.
A project of IG Übersetzerinnen Übersetzer for Traduki, kindly supported by BMKÖS.