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International Booker Prize!
24 May 2023

Ay! We still cannot believe it!
So happy for Georgi Gospodinov & Angela Rodel! We hope that the International Booker 2023 convinces even more readers to pick up the book!
Many of us here at TRADUKI have discovered the novel through other translations, as several were published before the English edition came out. Some we even had the honour to support through our funding. In this regard, we would like to say hurray to all translators who make the wor(l)ds spin round.
María Vútova (Spanish), Angela Rodel (English, duh!), Hasine Şen Karadeniz (Turkish), Maria Vrinat (French), Mariana Mangiulea Jatop (Romanian), Giuseppe Dell’Agata (Italian), Borut Omerzel (Slovene), Alexandra Ioannidou (Greek), Helle Dalgaard (Danish), Ksenija Banović (Croatian), Magdalena Pytlak (Polish) & Alexander Sitzmann (German) are only some of the translators who have lent Georgi their voice!
Thank you to all! Hope many more translations will follow!