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Zacuscă in Belgrade or Romanian Literature Days 2019
6 November 2019

Romania will be the guest of honour at next year’s Belgrade Book Fair. This November, as a little literary appetizer, the city hosted the Romanian Literature Days. With support from Traduki and UK Stari grad, two literary events dedicated to contemporary Romanian literature took place over two evenings.
On 4th November Claudiu Komartin and Ljubinka Perinac Stankov discussed the ins and outs of the current wave of Romanian poetry with the Serbian poet Dejan Matić. The following day, Bogdan-Alexandru Stănescu, Ivana Olujić, Simona Popov and Đura Miočinović talked with Katarina Lazić about female voices in Romanian prose writing. The audience’s appetite in Belgrade has surely been whetted. Now for seconds!