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#News #Tenders
Werkstätten des Flüchtigen
13 September 2022

On 16 and 17 September, filmmakers and authors will come together at Literaturhaus Liechtenstein and Skino to participate in several interesting events. The conference «Werkstätten des Flüchtigen» (Workshop of the Ephemeral) will question and explore the points where film and literature meet and overlap. The conference is organised by Kulturstiftung Liechtenstein and TRADUKI in collaboration with the project meaoiswiamia – Austria: Guest of Honour of Leipzig Book Fair 2023 and the two venues in Schaan.
The full programme can be viewed here.
As part of the conference there is an open call for «Filmische Poeme» (film poems). Further information can be found here. The deadline is the 30 October!