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»All the Faces of Death« – Interview & Reading
13 January 2021

“These masterfully written stories by Petre M. Andreevski unfold in a region ravaged by war, where the cruel reality of the day-to-day world merges with archaic beliefs. The stories draw you in, creating a pull it is difficult to escape.”
That is Deutschlandfunk Kultur’s verdict on Petre M. Andreevski’s All the Faces of Death, the translation of which was supported by Traduki. The book was published by Guggolz Verlag and translated from the Macedonian by Benjamin Langer.
Publisher Sebastian Guggolz and Benjamin Langer met up at the end of last year to discuss the book, its translation, and the literature of North Macedonia:
Reading: Victoria Trauttmansdorff, Story »Naturereignis [Natural Phenomenon]«
Video: Fritzi Friedrich and Jo Radtke, shot in November 2020 at Alter St.-Matthäus-Kirchhof Berlin-Schöneberg
Kindly supported by Common Ground/TRADUKI